Work History
Main Projects
Additional Information




For almost 25 years, I have had the honor of working in the field of sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Through conducting more than 30 research projects but also evaluating different health services, I have gained a deep understanding of the challenges and struggles that people face when it comes to health rights, sexual health needs, and access to healthcare. My work is driven by the desire to make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by these issues. I strive to combine on-the-ground action, advocacy, and knowledge generation to make a difference. Over the years, I have built strong connections with international research teams and international institutions and have worked closely with other programs such as knowledge management, community health services, communication, and advocacy to provide the best care possible.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Independant Consultant

L'Initiative (Expertise France)
02.2024 - 09.2024
  • Evaluation, for potential financing, of letters of intent and projects in the global south aimed at strengthening health systems and the role of vulnerable populations (HIV, tuberculosis, malaria) to improve their health and well-being outcomes.

Participatory Research Mentor

06.2023 - 07.2024
  • Guiding the first research experience of a trans person working in a non-governmental organization in Greece (protocol, questionnaire, data collection, ethics, analysis, scientific production).
  • Regularly assessed progress and provided feedback to support continued development.
  • Guided researcher in developing clear, concise, and compelling presentations for conferences and symposiums.

Director of Research and Strategic Information

Coalition PLUS
06.2017 - 01.2024
  • Developed, implemented, and assessed the research department's strategy in conjunction with the board of directors.
  • Developed, executed, and scientifically validated health projects (refer to "projects" and "papers") within the Coalition PLUS network to enhance scientific and technical capacities among Coalition PLUS members and partners while adhering to the community-based approach.
  • Established four community-based research hubs in Argentina, Spain, France, and Morocco, two of which were based in medical and academic research centers, while the remaining two were located in community-based organizations with prior experience in clinical research and social sciences.
  • Recruited and managed an international, interdisciplinary, and remote team of 14 members from Argentina, Burundi, Canada, France, Ecuador, Spain, Mauritius, Mali, Morocco, Portugal, and Senegal.
  • Undertook staff recruitment, management, action plans, and evaluations in collaboration with Coalition PLUS country structures' management line and Coalition PLUS partners' research centers.
  • Supervised construction and budget monitoring.
  • Fostered collaborations with other NGOs, institutions (WHO, UNAIDS, UNITAID, ECDC, WHA), universities, and research centers through representation activities, including institutional and scientific initiatives.
  • Collaborated with the main donors of community-based research (e.g. ANRS, L’initiative Expertise France, UNITAID, Robert Carr Fund) and health services projects, including a "Convention Programme" (French Development Agency) which aimed to structure services, advocacy, and research into five regional platforms.
  • Addressed field issues, provided data for advocacy purposes, and improved health service quality by collaborating with the advocacy and community-based health service departments.
  • Maintained daily collaboration with key populations while respecting the community-based approach.
  • Worked closely with the Knowledge Management department (community-based expertise).
  • Disseminated research, monitoring, and evaluation processes, as well as their results, through newsletters, videos, websites, and other channels.
  • Strengthened the organization's reputation as a leader by presenting at international conferences on various topics related to the core areas of focus.
  • Presented key findings to senior management, providing actionable insights that informed organization strategy decisions.
  • Mentored junior researchers from academia, fostering professional growth and enhancing their participatory research skills.

Invited Teacher - Master 2

Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
09.2011 - 12.2023
  • Trained Master 2 students in participatory health research.
  • Incorporated multiple types of teaching strategies into the classroom.

Innovation, Research and Evaluation Manager

03.2015 - 05.2017
  • Successfully implemented the organization's research strategy.
  • Managed a diverse team of ten individuals with different backgrounds.
  • Coordinated and implemented various European research projects such as Eurosupport 6, EMIS, Cobatest, HIV-EDAT, and HERMETIC.
  • Developed, implemented and promoted participatory research projects in France through publications and communications at national and international scientific congresses.
  • Evaluated innovative health services based on the community's needs.
  • Collaborated with the advocacy department to improve the use of scientific data in informing health policies.
  • Provided methodological support to the different divisions of the organization.
  • Maintained continuous communication with the research referents within the AIDES board of directors.

Research Project Manager

10.2008 - 02.2015
  • Coordinated and implemented several national and European research projects.
  • Developed, implemented, and promoted community-based research projects in France through various channels, including publications and presentations at international scientific conferences.
  • Conducted an evaluation of community health services.
  • Collaborated with the advocacy department.
  • Provided methodological support for the different divisions of the organization.

HIV prevention program coordinator

Fundacion Triangulo
02.2007 - 09.2008
  • Managed two peer educators.
  • Requested funding, and monitored budgets and activities.
  • Collaborated with others to write and develop a European project, monitored activities, and maintained relationships with other teams.
  • Assisted with grant writing and fundraising efforts to secure program funding for the long-term.
  • Worked with other program coordinators to ensure consistency in program objectives and services.

Postdoctoral researcher

Centro Sanitario Sandoval
10.2004 - 01.2007
  • Conducted qualitative and quantitative studies with people living with or exposed to HIV.
  • Analyzed clinical histories in conjunction with the medical team.
  • Promoted scientific research results through publications and presentations at national conferences.


Master of Science - Psychology

Universidad Autonoma De Madrid
09.1992 - 09.1996

PhD - Social Health Psychology And Methodology

Universidad Autonoma De Madrid
09.2000 - 09.2004


  • Participatory Research
  • Program monitoring and evaluation
  • Training and mentoring
  • Effective Multitasking
  • Report Writing
  • Scientific Writing
  • Surveys and Interviews
  • International project and team management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Networking
  • Project Leadership
  • Critical Thinking


Langue maternelle

Main Projects

  • Since 2021. Principal investigator of the ANRS-EPIC MENA project (Co-PI: Prof. Mehdi Karkouri): a qualitative study that aims to assess the impact of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in PLHIV in the MENA region. Funded by the ANRS.
  • Since 2020. Principal investigator of the EPIC project. A mixed-methods study aiming to assess the impact of COVID-19 health on key populations and community health stakeholders in 33 countries. Funded by AFD, Robert Karr Foundation, ANRS, and Coalition PLUS.
  • Since 2019. Principal investigator of the ANRS-SEXTRA project. A quantitative study that aims to characterize and identify the health needs of male sex workers. In collaboration with the University of Sherbrook (Canada), ARAS (Romania), GAT (Portugal), Kimirina (Ecuador), ALCS (Morocco), PILS (Mauritius), IDH (Bolivia), Zéro (Canada). Funded by the ANRS.
  • Since 2017. Researcher in the “CohMSM” and “CohMSM PrEP” project. Principal investigator: Christian Laurent (IRD). Funded by ANRS and I5PC.
  • Since 2016. Researcher in the ANRS-PREVENIR project. Principal investigator: Prof. Jean-Michel Molina. Funded by the ANRS.
  • Since 2016. Principal investigator of the “Outsider – An Outreach Safer Injecting Drugs Education Research” project. Funded by the ANRS.
  • Since 2015. Principal investigator of the “FlashPrEP in Europe” study. In collaboration with the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe (Germany), CheckPoint Athens (Greece), CheckPoint Barcelona (Spain), Adhara (Spain), Apoyo Positivo (Spain), ARAS (Romania), GAT (Portugal), Plus (Italy), Arcigay (Italy), Lila (Italy), Soa AIDS (Netherlands) with the support of EATG.
  • 2015-2016. Coordinating researcher of the “ANRS- Prepage” study. A qualitative study concerning the informal use of PrEP in France. Principal investigator: Jade Ghosn (Hotel Dieu Hospital). Funded by the ANRS.
  • 2016-2018. Principal investigator of the “HIV, Hepatitis and You” survey, 2016 edition. Funded by ViiV.
  • Since 2015. Researcher in the “HERMETIC – HIV European Research on Mathematical Modeling and Experimentation of HIV in Hidden Communities” Project. Principal investigator: Virginie Supervie (Inserm U1136). In collaboration with the Institute for Tropical Medicine (Belgium), the Public Health Institute (Belgium), and the Department of Public Health and Epidemiology of the Riga Stradins University (Latvia). Funded by HIV-Era.
  • 2015. Methodological manager of a “testing” assessing refusal of care among people living with HIV.
  • Since 2014. Researcher in the “ANRS Ipergay” project. Principal investigator: Prof. Jean-Michel Molina (St Louis Hospital). Funded by ANRS and Sidaction.
  • 2014-2016. Researcher in the “ANRS HIV Test-Toi Toi Meme (V3T)” project. Principal investigator: Tim Greacen. In collaboration with the Maison Blanche Hospital and INPES. Funded by the ANRS.
  • 2014-2019. Researcher in the “GOTA” project (Optimal Management of Antiretroviral Treatment Principal investigator: Yazdan Yazdanpanah. In collaboration with Bichat Hospital and Lyon 2 University. Funded by ANRS.
  • 2014-2017 Researcher in the “Euro HIV Edat” project - Operational knowledge to improve HIV early diagnosis and treatment among vulnerable groups in Europe. Principal Investigator: Jordi Casabona, MD, PhD (Center for Epidemiological Studies on HIV/AIDS and STI, CEEISCAT, Spain. Funded by European Commission (Co-funding from the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) under the EU Public Health Program for the period April 2014-September 2017 (Grant Agreement N°20131101)
  • 2014. Principal investigator of the “FlashPrEP France” survey, which aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes, and intention to take PrEP in France among several key populations.
  • 2014-2016. Researcher in the “ANRS-QualiPEP” project, a qualitative study regarding access to post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and acceptability of community PEP in France. Principal investigator: Marie Préau. Funded by the ANRS.
  • 2013-2016. Researcher in the project “Sexual dysfunction among people living with HIV and/or hepatitis”. Principal investigator: Martin Duracinsky. Funded by the ANRS.
  • 2013-2016. Principal investigator of the “EVE” study, which aimed to evaluate adverse effects related to antiretroviral treatment among women. In collaboration with INSERM.
  • 2010. Scientific manager of the evaluation of the “Zone NoKapote” workshops (2008-2009). A qualitative and quantitative evaluation aimed at assessing the impact of these workshops. 2010-2015. Methodological support for the “EMA” observatory (Access to a residence permit in France for migrants due to HIV/HBV/HCV disease).
  • 2012-2013. Coordination of the study “Survey of people living with HIV aged 50 and over, in conjunction with the AIDES association in mainland France”. Funded by AG2R La Mondiale, under the aegis of the Fondation de France.
  • 2011-2013. Coordination of the “Slam. First qualitative survey in France”. AIDES in partnership with Inserm, SIDACTION, and the Association of gay doctors.
  • 2011-2013. Methodological coordination in the MSM Africa project. AID-SIDACTION.
  • 2010-2012. Researcher in the EMIS research project - The European MSM Internet Survey. Principal investigator: Axel Schmidt (Robert Koch Institute, Germany). Funded by the European Commission (EU Health Program 2008-2013).
  • 2009- 2013. Researcher in the HIV community-based testing practices in Europe HIV COBATEST research project. Principal investigator: Dr. Jordi Casabona (Center for Epidemiological Studies on HIV/AIDS and STI, CEEISCAT, Spain. Funded by the European Commission (EU Health Program 2009-1211).
  • 2008-2013. Researcher in the EUROSUPPORT 6 research project. Developing a training and resource package for improving the sexual and reproductive health of people living with HIV (PLWH). Principal investigator: Christiana Noestlinger. Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM, Belgium). Funded by the European Commission (EU Health Program 2008-1204).
  • 2005-January 2008. Researcher in the research project Improving accessibility to socio-health services for the population vulnerable to HIV/AIDS/STIs through the creation of a cohort of HIV-negative- populations for future studies on the effectiveness of HIV preventive vaccines in Spain. Funded by La Caixa y Caja Madrid. Principal investigator: Dr. Joan Joseph Munné. Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Centro Sanitario Sandoval, Cruz Roja Barcelona and Ambit Prevenció Barcelona.
  • October 2004-April 2006. FIPSE postdoctoral fellowship (Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention in Spain). Project: “Sexual risk behavior among MSM: development and validation of a predictive and explanatory model for the development and implementation of prevention programs in clinical centers”. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Centro Sanitario Sandoval (Madrid Health Service).
  • February 2005-March 2006. Researcher in the Epidemiological and Clinical Specialization Project on sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Funded by Schering-Plough, FIT Foundation (Training and Information on HIV/AIDS Treatments), and Centro Sanitario Sandoval. Madrid (Spain).

Additional Information

  • Music (piano and ukelele)
  • Travel: Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mauritius, Morocco, Portugal, Rumania, Senegal, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Uruguay, USA,


Independant Consultant

L'Initiative (Expertise France)
02.2024 - 09.2024

Participatory Research Mentor

06.2023 - 07.2024

Director of Research and Strategic Information

Coalition PLUS
06.2017 - 01.2024

Innovation, Research and Evaluation Manager

03.2015 - 05.2017

Invited Teacher - Master 2

Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
09.2011 - 12.2023

Research Project Manager

10.2008 - 02.2015

HIV prevention program coordinator

Fundacion Triangulo
02.2007 - 09.2008

Postdoctoral researcher

Centro Sanitario Sandoval
10.2004 - 01.2007

PhD - Social Health Psychology And Methodology

Universidad Autonoma De Madrid
09.2000 - 09.2004

Master of Science - Psychology

Universidad Autonoma De Madrid
09.1992 - 09.1996