Work History
Research stays
Organization of conferences and events
Personal Information
Scientific experience
Scholarships and grants
Khatereh Gorji

Khatereh Gorji



Successful professional with several years of experience delivering top-notch pieces and overseeing content strategies. Proactive with organized and motivational leadership style, and solid understanding of industry trends.

Skilled translator and editor, proficient in Spanish and Persian, with extensive experience managing content across various platforms—from digital media to print publications. Adept at enhancing readability while maintaining the author's voice, bringing a comprehensive understanding of content creation, proofreading, and editorial oversight to ensure accuracy and coherence.

Additionally, as a television reporter for a cultural program, I have honed my communication skills, developed a strong on-camera presence, and cultivated the ability to engage diverse audiences. I have successfully collaborated with creative teams, contributing to dynamic, culturally rich programming. My ability to adapt quickly to new situations, maintain composure under pressure, and deliver high-quality content has significantly enhanced viewer engagement and program success.

Skilled in working under pressure, I am committed to meeting company goals with consistent and organized practices. With a strong passion for language and communication, I am driven to bridge cultures and connect with diverse audiences. I bring a unique blend of translation expertise and attention to detail to ensure accurate and engaging content for global viewers.


years of professional experience

Work History

Assistant Editor of the journal Anuario Lope de Vega. Texto, literatura, cultura

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
02.2021 - 06.2023

Member of the review committee for the project 'The Edition and Study of Thirty-Six Comedies by Lope de Vega'

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Gredos Publishing House
09.2019 - 06.2023

Predoctoral Researcher in the PROLOPE research group

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
06.2019 - 06.2023

Translator and Editor

Toledo Legal Translation Agency
05.2015 - 09.2017

Reporter and Coordinator of the 'Iran' Program

05.2015 - 09.2016


01.2014 - 05.2016


CENTINELA News Website
06.2014 - 09.2015

Secretary of the Spanish Language Department

Allameh Tabatab'i University
10.2012 - 06.2015

Scientific Secretary for Workshops

Allameh Tabatab'i University
05.2013 - 10.2014


PhD - Spanish Philology

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Master's - Spanish Language, Hispanic Literature, and Spanish as a Foreign Language

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Bachelor's Degree - Hispanic Philology

Allameh Tabatabaii University


  • Professional Translation Services
  • Bilingual Interpretation Skills
  • Efficient Audio Transcription
  • Content organization
  • Writing and editing
  • Administrative support
  • Content development
  • Creative writing

Research stays

  • University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval & Modern Languages, Oxford, Reino Unido, 02/20/22, 05/20/22, 3 months
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Philology, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España, 06/25/21, 07/31/21, 1 month


  • Análisis comparativo entre la violencia textual y escénica en El Hamete de Toledo. Montaje de AlmaViva Teatro (2009), Spanish Research Seminar, Oxford, 03/01/22, University of Oxford
  • La representación de la figura del morisco en la puesta en escena de Amar después de la muerte. Dirección de Eduardo Vasco (2005), X Congreso Internacional Lope de Vega 'Editar a Lope, 30 años después', Barcelona, 11/24/21 - 11/26/21, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Violencia en la puesta en escena de El Hamete de Toledo. Montaje de AlmaViva Teatro (2009), IX Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación en Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España, 03/15/21 - 05/18/21, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • La representación de la figura del morisco en el teatro español del Siglo de Oro en la puesta en escena contemporánea, Jornada Internacional ICREA - ACADEMIA - PROLOPE, Barcelona, 06/17/19, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Organization of conferences and events

  • X Congreso Internacional Lope de Vega 'Editar a Lope, 30 años después', Barcelona, Cataluña, España, 11/24/21 - 11/26/21, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • IX Congreso Internacional Asociación BETA, Barcelona, Cataluña, España, 06/05/19 - 06/07/19, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Metodología de Enseñanza de Lengua Española, Tehran, 09/28/14 - 10/25/14, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • International Seminar: 'Homenaje a Sadi: Desafíos de la traducción de Golestan', Tehran, 04/20/14, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • International Seminar: 'La semana de investigación: homenaje a Ferdowsi', Tehran, 12/14/13, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • Traducción de noticias, Tehran, 12/26/13 - 12/30/13, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • Traducción de la lengua española, Tehran, 05/04/13 - 05/08/13, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • Expresión oral, Tehran, 02/24/13 - 03/07/13, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • International Seminar: 'La crítica del cine de Mirkarimi por Dra. Janneth Santos Martínez', Tehran, 02/19/13, Allameh Tabatabai University
  • International Seminar: 'homenaje al poeta ecuatoriano, Humberto Vinueza', Tehran, 02/17/13, Allameh Tabatabai University


  • Secretary of the Department of Spanish Philology, Allameh Tabatab'i University, Tehran
  • Member of the PROLOPE research group, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona
  • Assistant Editor for Journal Anuario Lope de Vega. Texto, literatura, cultural, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona
  • Translator and Interpreter, Toledo Translation Agency

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 04/09/91
  • Nationality: Iranian
  • Residence: Spain

Scientific experience

  • Edition and study of "36 comedias de Lope de Vega", Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2019-2024
  • Colaboration on the project 'AUTESO (Autógrafos Teatrales del Siglo de Oro)', Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2021

Scholarships and grants

Predoctoral Researcher in the PROLOPE research group, 06/01/19 - 06/01/23, FI scholarship from the Government of Catalonia


  • Extraordinary Award for Best Undergraduate Student


First Language
Proficient (C2)
Upper Intermediate (B2)
Elementary (A2)


Assistant Editor of the journal Anuario Lope de Vega. Texto, literatura, cultura

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
02.2021 - 06.2023

Member of the review committee for the project 'The Edition and Study of Thirty-Six Comedies by Lope de Vega'

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Gredos Publishing House
09.2019 - 06.2023

Predoctoral Researcher in the PROLOPE research group

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
06.2019 - 06.2023

Translator and Editor

Toledo Legal Translation Agency
05.2015 - 09.2017

Reporter and Coordinator of the 'Iran' Program

05.2015 - 09.2016


CENTINELA News Website
06.2014 - 09.2015


01.2014 - 05.2016

Scientific Secretary for Workshops

Allameh Tabatab'i University
05.2013 - 10.2014

Secretary of the Spanish Language Department

Allameh Tabatab'i University
10.2012 - 06.2015

PhD - Spanish Philology

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Master's - Spanish Language, Hispanic Literature, and Spanish as a Foreign Language

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Bachelor's Degree - Hispanic Philology

Allameh Tabatabaii University
Khatereh Gorji