Dedicated Energy Systems Engineer, with a PhD in Engineering and Information technology, and Masters in Thermodynamic Fluid Engineering. Participated in over eight projects, lectured ‘Sustainable Buildings 2’ course at the university, and co- authored over ten scientific publications. Passionate to learn new skills and eager to extrapolate knowledge from one field to another.
(i) Ecological Transition and Digital Transition Project TED 2023- ongoing.
(i) HYBUILD project, GA 768824, 2017 - 2022.
(ii) Researchers’ Night, GA 954506, 2019-2021.
(iii) MATCE project, RTI2018-093849-B-C32 - MCIU/AEI, 2019 - 2022.
(v) RedTES project, RED2018-102431-T, 2020 - 2022.
(vi) GREiA & SEMB research group, university of Lleida 2019 - 2023.
Youth of United Nations Association: Student Chairperson. October 2010 - September 2021.
Best Engineering Competition: Regional award Winner, and country finalist
1. Scientific publications:
2. LinkedIn:
3. HYBUILD project:
4. Teaching at UdL:
5: Referees: